Foursquare expands its instant venue verification process globally


Earlier this month, foursquare announced a new way for companies to verify their venue on the platform. Instead of only relying on the manual process that required involvement from its employees, foursquare allows people to verify venues by paying a $10 fee.

Since there are over 20M users on foursquare’s platform, getting your venue verified so that you can take part in deals and such, the company saw a need for something faster. When the new process was announced, it was for those in the United States only.

Sure, grabbing $10 per verification could make a few bucks for foursquare, but the real powerful thing here is that the company is now spending less manpower on getting venues into its platform using the things that really engage its users.

Its original blog post has been updated with the simple note:

The instant verification process is now available everywhere in the world!

Claim1 Foursquare expands its instant venue verification process globally

Companies can still verify the old way for free, but this is clearly a more attractive option.


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