Apple finishes converting 4G branding to ‘WiFi + Cellular’ for iPads across European stores


Apple has apparently completed converting the wording of all of its European stores from the old iPad ’4G’ branding, which landed it in hot water with consumer advocacy groups, to the new WiFi + Cellular branding. This includes Italy and Sweden, two countries which had not made the switch as of last week.

The change in branding, means that Apple no longer refers to iPads as ‘Wi-Fi + 4G’ and instead calls them ‘Wi-Fi + Cellular’. This was done in response to a legal challenge by the Australian Competition and Consumer Comission. They took umbrage with the fact that Apple said the iPads were 4G, even though there’s no 4G network that supports it in Australia.

The same is the case in many other countries, including Italy, Sweden and many others across Europe. You can see this in the screenshots of the Italian and Swedish stores below:

Screen Shot 2012 05 17 at 5.45.06 PM 520x376 Apple finishes converting 4G branding to WiFi + Cellular for iPads across European stores

Screen Shot 2012 05 17 at 5.44.09 PM 520x372 Apple finishes converting 4G branding to WiFi + Cellular for iPads across European stores

The change had previously been made in the UK, Australia, the U.S., Canada, UAE, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, Ireland, and Hong Kong.

Thanks to for pointing this out to us on Twitter.


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